At Watling Primary School, we aim to engage, inspire, and nurture pupils to develop a curiosity and love for music. We embrace individual creativity and self-expression, allowing pupils to gain their own enjoyment through music. We recognise that music can inspire individuality and, through this, support positive mental health and wellbeing within our pupils. This is embedded in our teaching of music as well as our weekly singing assemblies, concerts, performances and the learning of instruments.
We use Music Express to support the teaching of music across the school, which provides a well-planned and progressive curriculum with high aspirations for all. The curriculum integrates singing, playing, listening, composing, and performing through various active learning processes. Through our music curriculum, pupils will learn different styles of music and their origins and learn to understand and respect all types of music. Children will have opportunities to collaborate alongside their peers in small groups or larger ensembles to celebrate music and take part in performances. Through this, pupils are encouraged to develop key skills such as teamwork, problem-solving and communication.
The inclusive curriculum is designed to build experience and develop pupils’ understanding of the different elements and dimensions of music.
We believe in supporting children to reflect on and discuss their learning, developing effective communicators who readily ask questions about music to extend their knowledge of composers and musicians further.
The National Curriculum Programmes of Study for Music for Key Stage 1 and 2 provide further information.
Our Music Development Plan can be found here.
Our Long-Term Curriculum Map for Music gives an overview of what is taught in each year group over the course of each academic year.