Denbigh Alliance Multi Academy Trust logo


Items of uniform embroidered with the Watling Primary School logo are available to purchase online from:

Samples of sweatshirts in a range of sizes are available for your child to try on at reception. We hope that this will enable you to make the correct size choice for your child before you place an order.

Online orders for uniform can be delivered to school free of charge or to your home address at an additional cost.

Generic school uniform items (without the school logo) can be purchased from most clothing retailers and supermarkets.

Our Uniform Statement provides further information.

Preloved uniform

We have an online marketplace where families can purchase preloved school uniform at significantly reduced prices. This is a great way for us to generate additional funds at the same time as supporting our school commitment to sustainability.

If you have any school uniform that your child has outgrown, we would be very happy to accept this to add to our listings.

Please go to the Uniformerly website to view the items we have for sale. You will need to select Milton Keynes as the Local Authority and then scroll down the list to find Watling Primary School.

If you are interested in an item, please send a message via the Uniformerly website and we will then contact you to arrange payment and collection.

All proceeds raised from the sale of donated uniform will be put towards the purchase of resources for our children. 

General school uniform
Sweatshirt or cardiganWatling Primary School logo navy blue crew neck sweatshirt or
V-neck cardigan
TopsWhite Watling Primary School logo polo shirt or
plain white T-shirt, polo shirt, blouse or shirt (short or long sleeved)
Nursery children may choose to wear a Watling Primary School logo navy blue crew neck T-shirt or
plain navy blue crew neck T-shirt (no branding or logos) instead
BottomsGrey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore
Nursery children may choose to wear plain navy blue joggers, leggings or shorts instead
DressesSky blue and white gingham dress
Tights & socksGrey or white tights or socks
Coat or jacketA suitable coat or jacket must be brought to school, irrespective of the season. Children will be outside regularly unless the weather is extreme or the conditions are unsafe.
FootwearPlain black shoes (sensible style with no branding or logos)
Nursery children may choose to wear plain black trainers
Book bagReception to Year 6 children only:
Watling Primary School logo navy blue book bag or
plain navy book bag (no branding or logos)
Forest School bagWatling Primary School logo navy blue drawstring bag or rucksack or
plain navy blue drawstring bag or rucksack (no branding or logos)
Spare clothing bagNursery children only:
Watling Primary School logo navy blue rucksack or
plain navy blue rucksack (no branding or logos)
Pencil casePencil cases are provided by the school for certain year groups
no other pencil cases are required or permitted
JewellerySmall stud earrings
any other jewellery is not permitted (unless for cultural reasons)
Sun Safety guidance
Bucket hatWatling Primary School logo bucket hat or
plain navy blue bucket hat
The school does not recommend baseball caps as they do not cover the ears and neck.
Suntan lotionIn the summer months, suntan lotion should be applied to children before they come to school in the morning.
PE/Active Learning kit
TopWatling Primary School logo navy blue crew neck T-shirt or
plain navy blue crew neck T-shirt (no branding or logos)
BottomsPlain navy blue PE shorts (no branding or logos) or
plain navy blue joggers (no branding or logos)
OuterwearWatling Primary School logo navy blue hoody or
plain navy blue hoody (no branding or logos)
FootwearPlain black plimsolls or sports trainers
Forest School
Suitable outdoor attire will be required for Forest School all year round. This should include waterproof clothing and sturdy footwear.
Forest School guidance recommends that children wear long sleeved tops and bottoms, even in warmer weather.
Please provide a plastic carrier bag for Forest School footwear as this will get muddy.
Hair accessories
Hair accessories should be in school colours (navy blue, sky blue or white) and of a moderate size.
Character hair accessories are not part of the school uniform e.g. animal ears
Swimming kit (Key Stage 2)
Modest swimming costumes and swimming trunks
Bikinis are not permitted
School bags
Drawstring bags or rucksacks should be used for Forest School kit only (or as a spare clothing bag for Nursery children).
Larger bags e.g. rucksacks are not permitted in school as we do not have sufficient space to store these in our cloakroom areas.