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SEND Support

The SENCo at our school is Miss Beth Shepherd.

If you need to speak to our SENCo, please contact her by email in the first instance at

At Watling Primary School, we believe that all pupils are entitled to a broad, balanced and adapted curriculum.  Pupils are valued equally regardless of ability or additional need and are encouraged to achieve their full potential.  The attainment, attitudes and well-being of all pupils are important to us, and practical steps are taken to account for pupils’ varied life experiences and needs.

We are committed to a culture of inclusion: one in which the teaching, learning, achievements, attitudes and the well-being of all pupils matter, including those identified as having SEND.  Our Watling Way value ‘include’ sets out our commitment to ‘include everyone and celebrate individuality’.

The practice, management and deployment of the School’s resources are designed to ensure all pupils’ needs are met through Quality First Teaching and where required, reasonable adjustments.

Further information about the support we offer for pupils with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities can be found in our SEND Policy.

Our 2025-26 SEND Information Report can be accessed here.

Information about the Milton Keynes City Council SEND Local Offer can be found here.