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At Watling Primary School, we focus on developing capabilities in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). We want our pupils to develop the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future. In a modern, global and increasingly technological society, strong STEM knowledge and a focus on this from an early age plays a key role in securing economic wellbeing.

Our Watling Way value ‘wonder’ embodies our approach to learning about science. We encourage our pupils to be curious, to investigate, to ask questions and to engage with the environment, at the same time as recognising their role in nurturing and protecting the planet for generations to come. 

We believe that science encompasses the acquisition of subject-specific knowledge, concepts, skills and positive attitudes as well as a broad understanding of why science matters in the world. 

At the beginning of each topic, children are asked to reflect on what they already know and to pose questions about things they might want to investigate further. This approach enables pupils to make important links between prior and future learning as well as encouraging child-lead inquiry. Curiosity about science allows our children to lead their own learning and seek out opportunities to deepen their knowledge. Throughout our science curriculum, we adopt a hands-on, active approach to learning. Children are taught how to investigate problems, adopting a brave and innovative approach to conducting and carrying out experiments. They are encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, to predict how things will behave, and to analyse causes. 

Teamwork plays an important part in our science curriculum. Group tasks encourage children to work together to make choices based on different viewpoints or ideas. This stimulates rich communication and discussion as it requires children to verbalise and justify their own ideas and clarify their own scientific thinking, as well as considering and including the viewpoint of others. Through teamwork, we show our pupils how they can work together collaboratively to develop their knowledge, overcome challenges to solve problems collectively and strengthen their scientific enquiry skills. 

There is a strong focus on vocabulary in our science curriculum as this helps our pupils to understand and communicate their ideas with increasing confidence. As children develop their knowledge of key scientific vocabulary, they are able to use it within the correct context to enrich their substantive and disciplinary knowledge.

Our commitment to taking our learning outdoors, alongside our separate Forest School sessions, provides further opportunities beyond the classroom for our children to make connections with the scientific natural world through inquiry, investigation and exploration. At Watling Primary School, we are proud of our commitment to learning in, about and for the environment and the important role that this plays in nurturing scientists of the future.

The National Curriculum Programmes of Study for Science for Key Stage 1 and 2 provide further information.

Our Long-Term Curriculum Map for Science gives an overview of what is taught in each year group over the course of each academic year.