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The Nursery class at Watling Primary School is named Explorers Class.

The staff that work in Nursery are Mrs Simons, Miss Shepherd, Mrs Bird, Mrs Dimmock and Mrs Zaffar. There may be other adults that also work in the year group from time to time.

The Nursery Active Learning and Forest School days are:

Active LearningForest School

Nursery start the school day at 8:30am, start lunch at 11:30am and finish the school day at 3:30pm. The collection and drop off point for Nursery children is at the Nursery door.

Nursery Curriculum

To find out more about what Nursery are learning in each curriculum area, please click on the half-termly overviews below.

Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2

Home Learning

Our Home Learning Statement provides clarity around our approach and expectations for home learning as children progress through our school. We encourage children to adopt a positive attitude towards home learning and celebrate our Homework Heroes every half term.


We would like all our pupils to engage in some sort of reading activity at home every day, starting with our youngest children in Nursery. This could be the child reading out loud or being read to by an older sibling or adult.

Please see the bottom of the page for our ‘Top 30’ books for Nursery pupils.

STEAM Challenges

Each half-term, weekly STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths) challenges are set for children to investigate as part of their home learning. These are optional and do not have to be completed. Parents and carers can choose which activities to engage with and how often to do so.

To find out more about our Nursery STEAM Challenges, please click on the half-termly overviews below. Please make sure that you are completing the correct challenge for the week specified. Submissions can be made in any format (written work, pictures, videos, etc.).

Children in Nursery can bring any STEAM Challenge work they complete into school or upload it to Tapestry.

Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Spring 2
Summer 1
Summer 2

Top 30 Books for Nursery

The books below are our ‘Top 30’ books for Nursery. Your child will have access to all of these books at some point in their Nursery journey at Watling Primary School. Most of these books are located in their class library, with some being taught through our reading and writing curriculums.

These books have been carefully selected to ensure there is a balance of fiction (both classic and contemporary), non-fiction and poetry. Some of the books have been chosen as they promote our Watling Way values and school-wide commitment to sustainability and STEAM subjects.

These books are updated regularly as new books are released so please keep checking back for updates.