At Watling Primary School, we pride ourselves on our standard of provision for our youngest children as they embark on their educational journey. A play-based, child centred approach to learning is at the heart of all that we do.
Our Early Years teaching and environment are grounded by our characteristics of effective learning:
- Playing and Exploring
- Active Learning
- Creative and Critical Thinking
We promote our love of learning by providing opportunities to explore, take risks, become independent thinkers, and experience life first hand.
In Early Years, our children are eager to learn, are happy and highly motivated individuals. We celebrate difference and encourage children to grow as individuals on their own learning pathways. We aspire to for every child to achieve their potential and become integrated and successful members of our local community.
We have high expectations for all children and are committed to high aspirations for ALL members of our school community. Throughout the year, we deliver short direct teaching sessions of phonics, literacy, maths and topic-based learning.
In addition to this, the children will have access to indoor and outdoor provision. We carefully plan our provision to suit the needs of all children at different stages of their development. Our practitioners play alongside the children to move learning forward, providing support and challenge where necessary by taking advantage of ‘in the moment’ opportunities. We ensure all children thrive and succeed and create learners who can demonstrate all of Watling Primary School’s core values.
STEM in the Early Years

As a school will a focus on STEM, within our EYFS provision and teaching we begin to develop the fundamental skills needed for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. We do this predominantly through our play-based continuous provision. Some examples include:
- Providing different opportunities for children to test out their ideas.
- Guiding children to make connections in their play.
- Supporting children to reflect on their learning and understanding.
- Building on children’s technical language and vocabulary.
- Encouraging collaboration and communication with others.
- Encouraging children to explain their thinking and feed their curiosity.
- Building on children’s approaches to learning which promote STEM thinking e.g. predict, observe, investigate, design and plan.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
Please see the following links to the EYFS National Curriculum and the Programmes of Study:
Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage
Development Matters – Non-Statutory Curriculum Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage